Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday February 16th at the State Tyranny of the Easily Offended, Part II

Today I drove the 43 miles into Santa Fe instead of taking the train. What a relief as I saw the train parked on the tracks for some unknown emergency. Unfortunately gas is too expensive to do this every day but it was nice today. I am leaving early for a dentist appointment and I was able to sleep in my car during an early lunch that my boss granted. Not to belabor yesterday with the lady we'll call Joan but she just happened to be walking by my office and I flagged her down and invited her in, asking her to close the door. Joan balked at my request for 30 seconds of her valuable time but being the macho supervisor who is afraid of no one she had to relent and came in and closed the door. I asked Joan if there was something more to yesterday other than my walking by the conference room that I could apologize for since I thought it was much ado over nothing. Joan bristled at my line of questioning and said that this was not the first time I have done this. I said done what?
Joan: walk in on somebody's meeting.
Me: I didn't walk into your lunch. I only needed to assess if I was able to use the microwave in there and....
Joan: Look, I am a supervisor and I haven't got time for this.
Me: Well if you ever want to talk to me directly about it, feel free to stop by and....
Joan: I'm a supervisor, I follow protocol and go through the proper channels.
Me: I get the feeling that somebody is at war with me....
Joan: I'm not at war with you...
Me: Did I say you were?......
Joan: I've got a meeting to go to and your 30 seconds are up.
My boss saw us talking as he walked by but let us talk and kept going. I felt it important to talk with him about my attempts at reconciliation and to end this endless war. He understood when I said I would have to give her a few days to cool down over whatever sent Joan to general quarters. We both agreed that I am not the enemy and you can't take this stuff personally because it's never about you, even when they say its about you. In any event this was a better day since I put her on notice that I know that "somebody is at war with me". I can go to the dentist now and have my teeth cleaned and enjoy the rest of my day. I am already laughing at Joan. She was turned down for deputy director several months ago and has never gotten over it. Too bad too sad. I hope to write some more tomorrow as this is very therapeutic. The life forms one has to deal with as a state worker. Lets hear your stories folks. Do you agree or not that this is a tyranny of the easily offended story? Have a good day.

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