Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Management comments inflammatory

Yesterday, Tuesday February 22, my boss calls all of the bureau into his office for a 'quick' meeting. He starts the meeting by announcing that somebody had been fired last Friday because they weren't working out. In his next breath he starts talking about a reserve requirement that he had discussed without any of us present at a meeting with some other officials in the department. He didn't indicate that it was legislation that was in play during New Mexico's 60day session, only that he had brought it up. After forty minutes his 'quick' meeting was adjourned and I was left thinking how unproductive it was. Nothing will come about because of his talking about a reserve requirement. He only wanted to raise our anxiety levels about the employee who had been fired. She was on probation so they could and it was self serving since we have a tight budget. (He announced that we now have $5,000 to travel with until June 30th because of her dismissal and the money saved). Talk about self serving. The state does nothing to develop leadership in its managers. What a disgusting waste of my valuable time. I was interrupted from my continuing education 2 hours of credit to listen to this crap. He uses e-mail for everything else but for this he had to call an in person meeting. What a loser! He is a double dipping loser.He told us to not talk with the fired employee about her dismissal. I don't even know who he was talking about so why is he telling me this. The guy is oblivious to his employees. He's a frigging former used car salesman! Its great to have freedom of speech but I hate that he's not giving me any duties to perform while on the taxpayer's dime. My attitude has become, if they want to pay me $40,000 dollars a year to be a clerk instead of an analyst, that's fine with me. beliieve me folks, I have tried asking for additional duties on more than one occasion and it falls on deaf ears. Any comments on my comments? Outraged? Let me know.

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