Friday, March 4, 2011

New Mexico Sunshine Portal

It burns me up to see the $ amount some of the pigs in my division are getting paid!
This sunshine portal shows the salaries of all state employees. When I drill down to my division (Local Government Division LGD), I can recognize some of the particular employees by their hire dates and titles and compare them with my title, financial coordinator O. The financial coordinator O next door to me makes more than some of the higher ranking financial coordinator A's. (The A stands for Ass since they think they are big shits because of their higher pay). But it also shows what they have paid heed to in their hiring biases. Information technologists (IT's) are given reverence and paid $60,000 plus per year. Next it helps if you are of Hispanic origin. Everyone in my bureau, the budget and finance bureau, a bureau of the Local Government Division, is Hispanic, except myself. These IT people are not Hispanic but I am raging that they put me up to the web camera enterprise and had to self teach and the IT guy here dragged his feet every step of the way when I asked him for help. He even admitted that he knows nothing about web cameras. He gave me an inadequate laptop that ended up freezing in front of an audience and embarassing me. I am wondering how I can ask for at least the midrange of the salary for my position without them saying they don't have the money. They found money to hire the guy across the hall from me one month after the former governor's hiring freeze in 2008, and pay him more than me! I would see a lawyer but for the cost and the biblical principle involved. (Remember the vinyard story in the bible where the later arriving workers were paid more than the early birds?) Let me know what you think of this outrageous story. And please visit New Mexico's sunshine portal at the link above.